When I am in her lap,
I feel nothing except a beautiful nap;
she pulls me out of every nightmare gently;
adds a drop of herself to beautify simultaneously;
just to help me sleep fitfully.
When I look at her,
I am amazed how much she can be herself;
No cover, no makeup, no outer lining she needs;
she knows that her inner shine prioritizes the mankind greed's.
When I stay with her,
I feel how pure she is;
Nothing she keeps with herself, no foe, no secret;
She always has the ability to convert me into a sensible puppet.
When I look at her now,
I feel how much we have grown
Seeing her daily is now a routine , but she has also got her wrinkles grown;
But someday after again she will be free;
From the sadness, and wrinkles, if any
Because that will be her time to shine like a moon;
Fabricating little precious relations like bracelets of loom.